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Community Guidelines FAQ

Frequently (and not-so-frequently) asked questions about the Stitch Community Guidelines

Andrew Dowling avatar
Written by Andrew Dowling
Updated over a week ago

This article forms part of the Stitch Community Guidelines. If you haven’t read the overview of the Community Guidelines yet, please do so before reading this article. In particular, please make sure you are familiar with the community definitions of what constitutes encouraged, discouraged, and prohibited behavior in the community, as well as how Stitch’s member feedback system works to promote constructive behavior across the community.

An overview of the guidelines can be found here.

Frequently-asked Questions

I've received a warning about my behavior. How do I get rid of it?

As outlined in the guidelines, you will receive a warning on Stitch if your member rating, based on feedback given to us by other members about their interactions with you, drops to "Warning" level. The warning appears above any messages you send, as a reminder to ensure all your interactions are consistent with the Stitch Community Guidelines, and are welcomed by other members.

You'll continue to see the warning as long as your member rating remains at the "Warning" level.

How do I improve my member rating?

The best way to improve your rating is to interact with other members in a way that exhibits one of the Stitch Behaviors, such as being kind, welcoming, or supportive. The more positive feedback you receive, the more your rating will improve.

Just remember that Stitch has a bias towards member well-being, so we expect positive behavior at all times. That means it doesn't take many negative ratings to give you a lower score, and you need a large number of positive ratings to improve your score.

I think my interactions are respectful, so it's not my fault if other members don't like the way I communicate, is it?

Unfortunately yes, it is. Good communication is measured by how it affects the recipient, not how it is intended by the sender. In the Stitch Community, all members' opinions are equally important. If one person doesn't like the way you communicate, it's not a problem. But if on average many members are giving negative feedback about their interactions with you, the onus is on you to take that feedback on board and consider how your communication style can be improved.

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