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Community Enablers

Helping people who face barriers to participation in the community

Andrew Dowling avatar
Written by Andrew Dowling
Updated over a week ago

This article is part of a set of articles about Volunteering at Stitch. If you haven't read our volunteering overview yet, you should do so before reading on. 

Community Enablers are people who want to assist individual members of the community who face barriers which prevent them from fully participating.

Stitch is increasingly being contacted by local community organizations who serve older adults who may be socially isolated and would love to participate in Stitch, but face barriers such as lack of access to technology which prevent them from doing so. 

Stitch will be working with these community organizations to maintain a register of people who need a little bit of help to be part of Stitch, and to buddy them with Community Enabler Volunteers in their area. Community Enablers may get involved in a variety of ways, which may include:

  • Calling their buddy by phone to tell them about upcoming activities in their area that they would like to attend

  • Helping with transport or other logistical challenges

  • Providing regular check-in phone calls

  • Helping their buddy address specific technical challenges

You don't need to be a member of Stitch to be a Community Enabler Volunteer, but it's great if you are.

I'm interested! How do I get started?  

If you would like to become a Community Enabler Volunteer, please send us an email and tell us how you would like to help.

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