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Community Experts

Making a positive difference by using your expertise or professional experience

Andrew Dowling avatar
Written by Andrew Dowling
Updated over a week ago

This article is part of a set of articles about Volunteering at Stitch. If you haven't read our volunteering overview yet, you should do so before reading on. 

Community Expert Volunteers are people who have skills or expertise they would like to contribute to the Stitch Community to help make it successful.

In case you're not aware, the Stitch team itself is extremely small (only 5 employees!) and the fact we're a social enterprise means we are always likely to be constrained by very limited resources. 

We do, however, have a wealth of incredible members who have lifetimes developing unique skills and expertise that can be used to assist the Stitch Community. 

There really is no limit to the sorts of things which Community Expert Volunteers can get involved in, but some examples of areas we have had help from members have included:

  • Workshops on mental health run by members with a psychology background

  • Providing technical training sessions to Stitch members

  • Using their professional networks to link Stitch to existing government, health, and community organizations

  • Providing sponsorship and media opportunities through their existing businesses

  • Running online or in-person verification sessions to help new members get verified

I'm interested! How do I get started?  

If you would like to become a Community Expert Volunteer, please send us an email and tell us how you would like to help.

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