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About Stitch Groups

A guide to Stitch Groups

Andrew Dowling avatar
Written by Andrew Dowling
Updated over a week ago

Stitch Groups are a great way for like-minded members to form communities around their particular interests. Within Groups members can initiate discussions and organize activities specifically for members of their group, fostering an inclusive community. 

Just like society in general, the Stitch community is extremely diverse, and our members have a wide variety of interests, attitudes, and beliefs about how the community should operate. Stitch Groups help provide a way for members of Stitch to organize their community the way they want.

Group organizers and owners can create activities and initiate discussions specifically for their group, not for the whole of Stitch, creating a more intimate community. More than that, group organizers and owners have full control over their group’s members, activities and announcements. 

All Stitch members join for the same reason, and that is to enrich their lives by doing things they enjoy with like-minded companions. That’s why Stitch Groups are so important -- because they provide the platform that connects the like-minded people in the Stitch community. 

Stitch Groups can be found by:

  • Selecting Community from the top menu

  • Selecting Groups in the submenu

Navigating Stitch Groups 

  • Group
    This is where you can learn more about the group, and where you can write comments for other members in the group, as well as respond to any written by others

  • Members
    This is where you can see a list of all the Stitch members in the group, and contact them directly

  • Activities
    View all the group’s upcoming activities here, or create and publish your own

  • Discussions
    Read, contribute or start your own group discussion here

  • Settings
    Visible to group organizers/owners ONLY, this is where they have the ability to delete a group if they so wish

Contacting another member within your group 

To contact a member within your group, you must first find them from the Members tab. Once you do, select the three vertical dots to the right of their name. From the drop-down menu select Message

Viewing upcoming activities and creating a new one 

To view all the upcoming activities for your group select the Activities tab. See image below. 

To create a new activity for your group, select the green +Add new button at the top left of the section. Stitch will then prompt you for details about the activity you would like to suggest.

Please note: If you join an activity assigned to a particular Stitch Group you don’t belong to, you will automatically become a member of that group. 

Creating a new discussion for a Group

Discussions are a great way of communicating and connecting with your fellow group members when you’re not at activities. 

To view all your group’s discussions select the Discussions tab. See image below. 

If this section is empty, why not start the first discussion? To do so, select the green +Add new button. Stitch will then prompt you for details about the discussion you would like to suggest.

Request to block a member from your group 

If you are an organizer or owner of a Stitch group you have the ability to control who belongs to your group. You may decide that you don't want certain members attending your group events or participating in your group discussions. Stitch allows you to do this by Blocking members from your group.

To do this, go to the Group Member list for your group, and click the menu button next to the member in question, as shown in the image below: 

Choose Block member from the menu. You'll then be required to explain why you wish to block this member from your group. The Stitch team will review your request and let you know its outcome.

Please note: If you block a member from your group, you are also removing them from any activities they may be attending that are assigned to your group. 

If you believe there is a member of your group who is acting inappropriately or is who is violating Stitch’s Community Guidelines, instead of blocking the member we ask you to report them to Stitch so we can investigate and suspend them from the community completely if required.

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